
Monday, 9 February 2015

Blush & blue

All vintage/thrifted except for made-by-me skirt

This was a last minute in the morning before work outfit. I had plans to wear another blouse with the skirt (an outfit I have worn a number of times before), however when my eyes fell upon this new-to-me cardigan I realised that blush pink and blue was a colour combination I hadn't previously realised went so well, so I had to wear it.

I kept the blouse neutral and went for brown accessories to match with the beading on the cardigan. Which is so beautiful, by the way.

The quality of these kinds of 50's cardigans always blows me away - the beading is gorgeous and the fabric so soft. This one is in almost perfect condition, save for a couple of sequins missing and what looks to be slight fading in some areas (which, thanks to the light colour of the cardigan, you hardly notice anyway.) The bodice is lined in a soft pink fabric and it has dainty pearl buttons.

My cardigan/light layers collection has been sorely lacking, so this beauty is a very welcome addition, especially on these not-so-summery days we've been having lately.

Do you own any vintage cardigans? What's your favourite thing about them?


  1. Very nice! A lined cardigan sounds like it would make a great addition to my wardrobe for the cold weather we've been having.

  2. That is a stunning cardigan. It makes a little green with envy because it makes me think of a chance I blew for some sweet angora sweaters. They weren't nearly as intricate as yours, but this one booth had all these cool angora sweaters with embroidery. They ranged from $30-50 USD but I was broke at the time and didn't get anything.

  3. This outfit is super lovely, that cardigan is a stunner! So gorgeous!

  4. What a beautiful combo! I don't know that I've ever tried blush pink and blue together before, but I will have now - it looks really smashing here.
    Totally with you on vintage cardigans. I have a few light cashmere cardigans from the 50s and 60s, and not a week goes by (except maybe in the summer, but even then only when it's very hot) that I don't pull one or more of them out of my closet to complete an outfit. I don't have any beaded ones yet, but it's high on my list.
    Jessica, Zella Maybe

  5. Oh this cardi is spectacular, the beaded details are gorgeous and it's so retro! You are one of the few people who look girly with a pixie! Btw, saw your wedding photos, truly magical! I was in awe!

  6. I have been drooling over vintage beaded cardigans like yours for ages, but have yet to find the perfect one at the right price to start off my collection... In the mean time, I'll just have to enjoy everyone else's! I do love that color combo though; something I wouldn't have thought of at all because currently grey/blush pink is my favorite look. Still, the royal blue and blush does look spectacular together! :) ❤

    bonita of Lavender & Twill

  7. The colour palette at work here is just soooo fabulous! I love royal blue (a passion that dates back to my childhood Girl Guide uniform in this elegant hue) and feel like it's a shade I need far more of in my own closet. I wear the pieces in it I do have a lot, especially in the summer it seams, but would love to ad more, very much including a purse in this eye-catching colour.

    ♥ Jessica

  8. Ahhh! That cardigan is amazing, you look gorgeous! Wonderful skirt too x

  9. Great mix of colours! The cardigan is absolutely fabulous! Sadly I own just one beaded vintage cardigan i scored two years ago in the USA (for my wedding outfit). How funny, that i just found it today in one of our back-from-storage-bags.let's see if i dare to wear it soon. Those are so rare in Germany!!


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