
Monday, 26 May 2014

Busy as a bee.

Sorry about the lack of posting lately everyone, I've been flat out with work and wedding crafts, AND this weekend we moved house! 

We don't have proper internet up yet and the house is currently still in boxes so once normality resumes hopefully so will semi-regular blog posts. 

I have been finding it a bit difficult to do outfit posts lately as I now work at a jeans store and have to wear their jeans.. That's not to say the jeans aren't great, or that I'm not putting my own vintage-ish spin on them, but rather I am worried it will become a bit tiresome if I were to post work outfits containing the same 3 pairs of jeans (which are really just one style in three colours!) 5 days a week and then one pretty vintage one... If you would like to see what I wear to work, however, let me know and maybe I can make it a once or twice a week thing. 
Any other suggestions for blog posts (i do have a hairnet review and a Besame lipstick review in the works, it's been a long time coming) do let me know!

And since I have them on my phone (which I'm posting from using the dreadful blogger app, so apologies for the formatting), here are two of my favourite outfits I wore at work last week, in mirror-selfie form!

50's tropical pinup!

30's boudoir gypsy!

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

My Vintage Sewing Pattern Pledge

Vintage Sewing Pattern Pledge 

So I have just found out about Marie's Vintage Sewing Pattern Pledge via her guest post on By Gum, By Golly, and I've decided to join up, but add my own spin seeing as how we're half way through the year and I already have 8 important sewing projects lined up..

Like Marie, I am an avid collector of vintage sewing patterns. I adore the glamour of the illustrations, and, living in a country where there is a substantially smaller amount of vintage still available than a lot of the rest of the world, the idea of getting my hands on some vintagey-goodness that not only fits and is to my custom requirements, but is also affordable is too tempting to resist.

Lately I've also been bemoaning the lack of "basic" clothing pieces in my wardrobe to mix-and-match with my many patterned and/or statement pieces, but I just keep on sewing with pretty florals and other patterns!!

So, my personal Vintage Sewing Pattern Pledge is: sew at least 3 vintage patterns from my stash using ONLY block-coloured fabrics.

This way, I should be able to get a start on actually using some of the gorgeous patterns I own (not that it'll make much of a dent but hey, it's a start!), and at the same time fill some glaring gaps in my wardrobe.

Sounds like a winner to me! Now where to begin...

Who else doing this pledge?

Saturday, 3 May 2014

Brian Wilson, everybody!

Cardigan - Revival (from Clear-It), Dress - made by me, pearl set - Lovisa, everything else thrifted or vintage

Once again Mr Brian Wilson, Jenday Conure, is making an appearance on this blog. I haven't gotten rid of the cats, I swear (just have a glimpse of my instagram feed!), but he is much easier to pose with and is allowed outside, so he gets his photo taken a lot more often.

I wore this outfit out to discuss wedding hat designs with a certain talented someone, to say I am excited to see what she comes up with is an understatement!! I've finally narrowed down my dress design options... to two different designs. they both have pretty much the same skirt so I'm thinking I'll just make a muslin of each bodice and see which suits me best/has the least construction issues. It truly is hard designing the "perfect dress", I honestly don't think I'd ever be able to choose one if I was just buying it off the rack!

This cardigan is one of the four I bought at the Clear-It outlet on Easter weekend, I love the colour and the little puffed shoulders, and the flower embroidery matches this dress almost perfectly!

I hope everyone has had a good week!
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