
Sunday, 18 August 2013

travel: 2 week countdown..

Eeeeeep! I can't believe that in exactly 2 WEEKS I'll be boarding a plane with my love for our very first overseas adventure!!

It is crazy exciting, as well as incredibly daunting, to think we'll be wanderers for the next (almost) 3 months. And when we get back the adventure continues; we have both resigned from our 9-5's and will be attempting to have a much more creatively fulfilling lifestyle.
We're off to visit Eli's parents for Christmas and then next year we already have planned a trip to Bali for my sisters birthday, and maybe Japan later in the year!

But I'm getting ahead of myself. This trip consist of two weeks on the west coast with a big group of friends, then a month and a half just Eli and I driving wherever we please while we make our way across to Chicago, IL. From there we ditch the rental and hop on a train to spend two weeks in New York before flying home with a stopover in Vietnam for 10 days with my parents. Phew!!

We already have an idea of where we'd like to visit, and have drawn out a rough map, but we want to go with the flow as much as possible, and if we miss out on a few places or don't get to stay somewhere as long as we might like its no big deal - we can always come back!!

Does anyone have any suggestions of places to visit? We're pretty open minded since its our first trip, but we won't be too disappointed if we don't make it everywhere.. Anywhere is good for us!

There is so much left to do still over the next little bit, and I'm sure it's going to FLY past!


  1. How exciting! Any chance you would send me a postcard from your travels? I am travelling the world through my friends travels LOL.

    Hope you have a fabulous time.

    1. I would absolutely send you a postcard! I'll get your address off you next Sunday :) x

  2. Sounds like a great trip! Ah, this gets me sooo excited to do all the travelling I am planning to do! Will you be stopping anywhere in Canada, too? I would absolutely suggest Vancouver if you're near Seattle, and DEFINITELY visit Montreal if you're close to New York or Boston. A road trip down pacific coast of the US is a dream trip of mine - jealous! Excited to read about your adventures, if you'll be updating them here :).

    1. I'm so excited for it!!
      Sadly we won't make it to Canada this time, however we are seriously set on visiting in the next couple of years!
      I'm going to be updating as much as possible on this blog, so stay tuned!

  3. Wow, sounds absolutely awesome! Can't wait for the trip photos ^_^ Hope you make A LOT!

    1. Oh don't worry, I'll be taking loads of photos! x

  4. How awesome! You should definitely visit San Fransisco, Portland, and Seattle if you've got the time. If you're going to be in the US, you will be doing A LOT of eating! It's going to be great :)

    Life of Mabel

    1. We will definitely be doing that, actually the west coast trip is one of the few things we have actually planned haha.
      I am so excited for the food, my friends are over there at the moment and they keep posting the craziest photos of donut burgers and things.. It looks insane but so awesome!

  5. I'm living Korea right now and I love it but I'd recommend the Philippines, Palawan. It is incredible and cheap. Happy travels. You'll have the time of your lives!
