
Monday, 13 May 2013

I love the internet.

Isn't the Internet amazing?

Honestly, sometimes I just think about how enormous and powerful it is that it makes me feel like my head is going to explode.

So then I go watch cat videos on YouTube until my brain calms down.

I thought I'd share with you guys a few things I've found around the WWW that made me laugh/cry/think/drool..

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This piece on Hyperbole and a Half on depression, which is so spot on. Allie is an amazingly talented and hilarious writer and I really hope she keeps pushing on and comes out the other side of the depression-tunnel.

From another hilarious writer - The Bloggess linked to this site which allows you to write in cats. I don't think I have to explain how amazing this is. I can't stop using it. Also have you read her book yet? It is SO FUNNY and surreal. I snort-laughed-cried on the train many a time.

I just purchased my first dress from the enchanting Bonne Chance Collections which just arrived today (!) - It is SO cute! I'm going to wear it to Eli's bands new EP launch and I'll be sharing a bit of a review with you later this week.
I actually almost don't want to tell you about these guys because I want EVERYTHING, however I am poor and cannot really afford to buy 30 new dresses so I guess I'll just have to live vicariously through anyone who can.

I spent literally hours (at work, heh) reading this thread on Reddit about the creepiest things peoples kids have said to them. Both funny and scary - I also love that there are a few pretty strong arguments for reincarnation and lots of supernatural themes!

My boyfriend sent me a photo of this weird amphibian that has no lungs.. and also looks like a totally strange penis.

My friend Charlie is in a cute band called Brightly who just released their first album!! We went to their launch on Thursday night and it was epic and fabulous. If you like "folk electronica" (or if you don't know what that is and are now curious) you should check them out!

I just bought some foam rollers, setting lotion and pin curl clips and I'm so excited to try out this ingenious roller set from By Gum, By Golly. No kinks! Well, we shall see anyway!

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The days are getting waaay shorter here now, so hopefully I will be able to get myself out of bed early enough this week to catch the last of the daylight to take photos in when I get home from work in the afternoons (which I did not today - hence the text-only post!)

*I should also point out that I am not sponsored or paid by any of the above-linked sites/people - this is all just stuff I liked and wanted to share :) *

1 comment:

  1. Oh, absolutely love Allie! When I read her last post I had tears in my eyes. I couldn't believe a girl with such a strong humorous view on the world would fall into depression and contemplate killing herself. It just makes me feel so sad.
