
Tuesday, 23 April 2013

outfit: bicycle! bicycle!

Woo! Pants!

Sorry, I really am a tad obsessed with leg-coverings at the moment seeing as how I can finally actually wear them and all... While everyone else is lamenting the loss of our very clingy summer, I am rejoicing in pants.

top - Dangerfield, pants - thrifted, vintage Scouts belt - thrifted, clogs - Windsor Smith

Also, meet my new(ish) bike! I bought it a while back but only managed to take it for it's first proper spin last night (down to the doctors and back - boo). I thought I'd just about forgotten how to ride but it came back.. after the shakes and sense of imminent death by car/bike accident wore off!


  1. That boy scout belt is brilliant, as are the trews. Have fun on the beauteous bike, she's perfect!
    Betti xx

  2. yep so gorgeous, love that top x
