
Monday, 25 March 2013

outfit: when life gives you lemons...


So I have been very busy camping and being social with friends.. hence no blog posts.. so weird.

This is what I wore to work today. This Princess Highway dress is amazing, it has LEMONS on it, and is the most adorable 50's-esque cut... beautiful!!!
Blazer is a cheapo from Cocolatte, belt and shoes are secondhand, tights from Myer.

Right now I am drinking wine and whisky shots with my sister and boyfriend because we hate Mondays!!

Have a great week!

Sunday, 17 March 2013

outfit: leopard betsy

Today has been one of those very relaxed days where you do basically nothing and then all of a sudden its 6pm and you realise it's Monday tomorrow. And that sucks.

Today was also the first proper cold day we've had in a while, so naturally I put on my cuddliest coat and drank about 4 cups of tea in front of the heater in my lounge room before we ventured outside to run a few errands.

I am also so excited about this cardigan because it's adorable and people will think my name is Betsy:

Cardigan is by Friends of Couture, scarf and jeans are thrifted, necklace was a present from my boyfriend and the shoes are Golden Ponies.

Now I'm off to cook some food and organise myself for the coming week, joy of joys..

Friday, 15 March 2013

outfit: bright white, mustard and leopard

I have a confession to make.

I never really got in to Mad Men.

I realise that probably sounds insane when you look at my outfits and notice that I am just a slight bit inspired by the 1950's and 60's.. and I did really like a lot of the outfits, I can't deny that.. I just got a little bored of it and didn't really find the storyline really gripped me at all. 

Sigh. I really did want to like it.

Regardless of that, today my outfit had me feeling very Joan Holloway (although these photos do absolutely nothing for my little "curves" - I swear I looked much curvier in real life!!), so naturally I was strutting about the office today, swinging my hips and lashing out bitchy remarks and broken hearts.

Hahaha as if.

My skirt and top are thrifted, and I have no idea where I got these shoes - only that I desperately need a new pair because they are basically falling off my feet broken (so sad).

Oh hi Disney kitten!

Happy Friday everyone!

Thursday, 14 March 2013

vintage lace and burnt orange

I promise I am still here, but to be honest we have just come out of the most ridiculous heat wave and it basically just killed all of my drive and energy, not to mention made it incredibly difficult to put together a decent outfit.

I am SO excited for Autumn, I can not even tell you.

Today was a little cooler so I busted out some very Autumn-appropriate garb for work. I felt very late-sixties which is always good, and just a tad inspired once again by Orla Kiely A/W 2013.. Although my office is nowhere near as stylish as that lovely one her models got to work in!!

(Having a rest with my friend lens-cap - taking photos on my own is tiring!)

I am wearing a vintage shirt borrowed from my sister, a vintage dress from Fancy Treehouse, belt from Supre and my trusty Windsor Smith brogues!

Monday, 4 March 2013

sixties sailor

Apologies for the squinty/scowly faces, the sun was extra bright (because, you know, Summer has just ended and all..)
I watched the Orla Kiely Autumn/Winter 2013 video the other morning (drooooool) and got so inspired by the models messy, sixties hair that I had to try it for myself. So here is my first successful beehive :)
I wore my sailor-esque dress by Ladakh with some vintage shoes and bag out to Fitzroy and while my boyfriend got his hair cut I checked out the shops (and spent a bit of cash at Clear-It, oops). Then it was off to my parents for dinner!

Sunday, 3 March 2013

puppy dog tails

I used to loathe wearing pants. I thought jeans were the most uncomfortable things in the world, and I couldn't find any decent high-waisted pants in any style that were flattering.

But for some reason lately, all I want to do is pull on a pair of pants! Maybe it's because summer has finally ended and I am SO ready to embrace the colder weather!!

I picked up this adorable dog jumper from Jay Jays when I was looking for shoes in the city, the shirt is borrowed from my sister, the jeans are by Cheap Mondays and shoes are from Windsor Smith (I wear them ALL the time haha).

Saturday, 2 March 2013

february wrap up

I totally failed at the Fat Mum Slim Photo a Day Challenge for February.. Honestly with moving and everything that was going on I just had no time or motivation to think of interesting photo ideas!

I did of course have time to take a heap of random snaps, so here is a wrap-up of my February, via Instagram!

I cooked and ate a lot of yummy food! Tomato soup, chocolate zucchini cake, soft-boiled egg salad & valentine cupcakes :)

We moved house!! We found some enormous zucchini's in our new backyard (currently on the lookout for recipes to use them all up!), one of our 5 different floor coverings throughout the house.. lots and LOTS of boxes. You never realise how much stuff you have until you move. Wow. Our pre-decorated mantel with mural wall :) The house is a huge 3 bedroom place built in the 70's with so many kooky details (floral carpets, wallpaper murals, weird kitchen carpet printed to look like tiles...) and I am SO excited to share it once there is some semblance of order!!

I got some cute things - like this beautiful antique locket from the 1900's (my boyfriend is amazing) and this adorable owl bag!! A valentines walk (and photo shoot). Eli's reaction to hearing his song on the radio for the first time!!!!!

I got crafty! Our countdown continues (, a cute morning message in our kitchen, scrapbooking fun and name tags.

I got out and about (sometimes!) Crazy beach ball display at Australia on Collins, waiting for shows to start in Collingwood, a cute alley bird, more park walks (I will miss these!)

And of course, I cuddled with some cute kitties!! Apollo and Disney are loving the new house, there is so much more space for them to run around and explore. Apollo just adores sitting in front of the back screen door, watching the birds in our backyard :)

I've started back up with the FMS Photo a Day Challenge for this month and I'm going to try and stick to it this time!! If you want to follow me on Instagram my user name is @taygan

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