
Thursday, 7 February 2013

scrapbooking - january

Just a warning - this is going to be a long and pic-heavy post!

Towards  the end of last year I started becoming intrigued by the idea of scrapbooking. I'd never done anything like that before (it wasn't very big when I was growing up in Australia) and thought it would be a cute and creative way to document some of our memories for the year.

I just finished my very first month of scrapbooking, and I'm pretty pleased with it so far! I've been quite inspired by the Project Life layouts - particularly the ones that Ann-Marie comes up with and shares on her blog, they are just so beautiful but not overly "home-made crafty scrapbook" kind of feel.. if you get me. I wanted to incorporate photos and memorabilia but in a modern way with a kind of eclectic feel.. let me know what you think!

the text on the photo above and below top left have been edited on using I love this website and actually use it to edit most of my photos - they have a really great range of editing tools and it's (mostly) free!

a whole page for my boyfriends birthday! Includes some of the wrapping paper I used on his presents and a card he got from work :)

That piece of paper with the clip on it has been edited in - the brown paper is the front of the envelope one of my Frankie magazine subscriptions came in and it has my address on it.. security, people!

and of course Disney wanted to get in on the action...

"look Ma, it's me!"

a page for when my poor boyfriend ended up in hospital with appendicitis :( he's doing a lot better now but still has a week off work.

So there you have it! Most of my supplies like the letters, hearts, washi tape, labels etc. were purchased from Typo on sale - they have some incredibly cute stuff and I should NOT be allowed in that store!!!
Other stuff was collected. I got my photos printed at Officeworks.
The album I am using I got off eBay and it is one of those ones with the self-adhesive pages that you can buy refills for.. I'm not sure that I love it because the adhesive is not really strong enough to hold heavier card or things and it also makes the pages a bit shiny which I also am not a huge fan of.. it has plastic protective pages for each page which are alright but they flap around a bit so I've just stuck them down along the edge once each page was completed.

I'm so excited to continue this - I almost want February to be over now so I can get started!!


  1. I wanted to do something of this sort, only a bit bigger and on a cardboard. I think it's a great way for decorating and making everything PRETTYYY!! :D

    1. ooh, thats such a good idea! You could make a whole bunch and hang them up around the house. Kind of like a mood board but with memories :)
