
Thursday, 21 February 2013

date night

Last night after he got home, my boyfriend picked this Revival dress out for me to wear and whisked me out to dinner!
Well.. not before I grabbed a belt and a bag (both from op shops) and chucked on my super-comfy loafer flats from Windsor Smith, of course.

And then once I was dressed he even took a few photos for me! What a doll :)

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

pastels and white lace

So we have finally finished moving all of our stuff into the new house.. now we just have to unpack the millions of boxes!

I got these purple jeans from Target yesterday for a tiny $11! The blouse is borrowed from my sister (but is vintage), the belt is from Supre and the shoes are from Windsor Smith.

These photos are in our new (huuuge) backyard in front of some pumpkin plants :) We also have oranges, mandarins, eggplant and some massive zucchini:


So I've been busy planning lots and lots of zucchini recipes to use them all up!

We're hoping to have the house mostly organised by the end of this weekend, so I will finally be able to relax and start blogging regularly again.

Thursday, 14 February 2013

happy valentine

Hello again!
Sorry I've been gone so long - I've been preoccupied with life-stuff (ugh) which has left me feeling a bit uninspired as well as time poor..

So here are a bunch of Valentines outfit photos to make up for it!

Hope everyone had a lovely day!

Headband made by me, dress by Living Doll, belt secondhand and shoes Windsor Smith.
Rose from my beautiful boyfriend :) xx

Thursday, 7 February 2013

scrapbooking - january

Just a warning - this is going to be a long and pic-heavy post!

Towards  the end of last year I started becoming intrigued by the idea of scrapbooking. I'd never done anything like that before (it wasn't very big when I was growing up in Australia) and thought it would be a cute and creative way to document some of our memories for the year.

I just finished my very first month of scrapbooking, and I'm pretty pleased with it so far! I've been quite inspired by the Project Life layouts - particularly the ones that Ann-Marie comes up with and shares on her blog, they are just so beautiful but not overly "home-made crafty scrapbook" kind of feel.. if you get me. I wanted to incorporate photos and memorabilia but in a modern way with a kind of eclectic feel.. let me know what you think!

the text on the photo above and below top left have been edited on using I love this website and actually use it to edit most of my photos - they have a really great range of editing tools and it's (mostly) free!

a whole page for my boyfriends birthday! Includes some of the wrapping paper I used on his presents and a card he got from work :)

That piece of paper with the clip on it has been edited in - the brown paper is the front of the envelope one of my Frankie magazine subscriptions came in and it has my address on it.. security, people!

and of course Disney wanted to get in on the action...

"look Ma, it's me!"

a page for when my poor boyfriend ended up in hospital with appendicitis :( he's doing a lot better now but still has a week off work.

So there you have it! Most of my supplies like the letters, hearts, washi tape, labels etc. were purchased from Typo on sale - they have some incredibly cute stuff and I should NOT be allowed in that store!!!
Other stuff was collected. I got my photos printed at Officeworks.
The album I am using I got off eBay and it is one of those ones with the self-adhesive pages that you can buy refills for.. I'm not sure that I love it because the adhesive is not really strong enough to hold heavier card or things and it also makes the pages a bit shiny which I also am not a huge fan of.. it has plastic protective pages for each page which are alright but they flap around a bit so I've just stuck them down along the edge once each page was completed.

I'm so excited to continue this - I almost want February to be over now so I can get started!!

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

the owl and the pussycat

This bag is just way too cute. 
Seriously! It's an owl! 
I kept seeing it everywhere, including on the adorable Annika of Pineneedle Collective so I had a quick look on eBay and scored it for $8 including postage!
The dress is an oldie from Dangerfield, belt is secondhand, socks are American Apparel and shoes by Tuck. I'm also wearing my cute cat necklace from Katie :)
Please excuse my hair at the moment.. I'm trying to decide what to do with it and it's currently going through a very odd pink/peach fading out stage... I'm thinking maybe lilac or teal next! What do you think?

Monday, 4 February 2013

make this - magnetic event count-down

As I briefly alluded to in my very first post, my boyfriend and I are saving up for a big overseas trip at the end of the year.
We are obviously SUPER excited about it, but since we have been planning and saving for this trip since mid last year, there have been times when it's just seemed too far away, too much money etc etc..

To be honest it was getting us down a bit thinking how long we had to wait (and the mundane day to day stuff we had to deal with in the meantime), so I decided to create this super easy countdown to help pep us up a bit!

The best part about this (apart from the glitter, of course), is that it's magnetic and so is stuck right on the front of our fridge where we can see it every day!

This could be a great way to count down to any event - birthday, christmas, wedding - basically anything that is exciting and important enough to want to get psyched up for!

You will need the following:

- thin cardboard
- craft letters (these can be bought from pretty much an craft store that sells scrapbooking supplies)
- Mod Podge or another strong glue
- different coloured glitter or paint
- stick-on magnets (I got these off ebay in a sheet, just search for "sticky magnets" or similar)

All you do is punch out the letters and numbers that you need, decorate them with glitter/paint/paper/washi tape etc. 
Stick them onto your cardboard pieces and cut to shape, then stick the adhesive magnets onto the back.
And you're done! If you wanted you could even decorate the cardboard and leave the letters plain..

I keep my spare number magnets on the side of my microwave (which is on top of my fridge) and just change them out each time we start a new month.

Easy peasy :)

Saturday, 2 February 2013

a change of plans...

Today I was going to share a whole bunch of fun photos and stories from our little Sydney trip.. unfortunately due to an unexpected case of Appendicitis (my boyfriend, not me.. is Appendicitis ever really expected??), we sadly had to cancel the trip.

We also won't be moving as soon as we thought, which is also a bit of a bummer but at least it gives me more time to clean up this place as we gradually move stuff across to the new house. 

My sister and I went there on Wednesday night and my god, I can't wait to share some of the totally bizarre-o wallpaper/carpet choices in there.. My dad had a look too and said it seems like at least 3 of the rooms actually have floor boards beneath the carpet so we're guessing the carpet was more of a 'buy the cheapest stuff to protect the floorboards from nasty renters' situation rather than an actual 'hey brown tile-printed carpet in the kitchen, bathroom and laundry is SO hot right now!' kind of deal.

Yeah it's almost as bad as it sounds, but we're just taking it on as a challenge - I mean pretty much 90% of the homes you see on various decor websites have white walls and wooden floors.. psh, way too easy to make that look good! I've got 6 different kinds of wall coverings and 4 different floorings to contend with. CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!

Anyway, lest this post be a totally text-based affair, here are the last 4 photos from the January Photo-a-Day Challenge from Fat Mum Slim. I've had so much fun doing this and have also been surprised at how hard some of the themes were.

Day 28 - Through // Day 29 - Grow // Day 30 - Down // Day 31 - Yourself

February has already started, and I'm still excited about this so I'm going to keep doing it :) It's also proving quite handy at providing little filler images for my scrapbooking which I will share once I've finished off a couple last pages (I'm doing it as a month-to-month project just because it's easier rather than daily or whatever).
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