
Tuesday, 1 January 2013

resolutions and new beginnings

So this is an introductory post as well as being a bit of what this blog is going to be about. I had this blog over on Wordpress but it wasn't really doing it for me, so in the spirit of all things new, I've decided to jump ship over to blogger and hopefully the change of scenery will get my writing-cogs turning once more!

So hi! Hello! Hope everyone has had a fantastic new years and is ready for an exciting 2013. I know I am! I have so much going on this year its kind of mad, but also terribly exciting!!

I've been thinking about what my resolutions were going to be for the last few weeks and have finally settled on them (I'm a bit of an over-achiever when it comes to making goals and resolutions, so I had to edit the list a wee bit), and I really wanted to share them someplace that I could come back to and check up and also someplace that made me feel accountable! So here they are, for the world to see, my New Years resolutions in picture format, with a bit of explanation/clarification:

I'll be the first to admit I have a HUGE shopping addiction. It's ghastly. I have something like over 60 dresses alone in my wardrobe. While I do like to think I try and limit the amount of chain-store shopping I do in favour of buying secondhand or making my own, it's still pretty bad.
So this is my first resolution - if I want something I will try and make it myself as much as possible, and buy secondhand where ever else.

My partner and I are going on an overseas trip at the end of this year (eep!!), so obviously saving money is a big focus for us throughout the year. We've already saved quite a bit but it's mainly just sticking to our current spending habits and seeing if there are any areas we can cut back on so that we get the most out of our holiday!

Again something we started working on last year that I want to continue with - doing more! It's so easy to just stay home every night with your loved one (and cat!), but I really want to force us to get out of the house and see friends and make some memories. We're certainly not going to remember all of the nights we sat at home watching TV when we're older so I want to make this year count!

My camera collection is now up to six and I'm sort of drowning in photos. Mostly Polaroids - I love the fact that they are instant, but what to do with them once you've taken them?! I'd love to try and find some creative and visually appealing ways of organising and displaying all of my photos. I'm thinking scrap booking, frames etc. I currently have a whole bunch of them strung up on some twine garlands with pegs, and I just love standing for ages staring at them all!

Another fun fact about me - my memory is shocking. Like, really, really bad. Someone will do the old "remember last week when we..." and I'll just stare at them blank faced. So photos for me are fantastic because if I have just one photo of a day or event then it will usually trigger my brain and it will all come back to me. That aside, I just really love taking photos! I'm hoping to acquire some more cameras this year and I'm so excited to learn more about photography (I'm still a bit of a newbie).

Last year my partner and I started trying to eat healthy. It's not that we were eating terribly before, but we just made a conscious decision to think about what we eat and try and change our diets and lifestyle for the better. I've not been to the gym for a few weeks over the Christmas/new years period (oops), but I'm actually quite excited to get back there. I've also been enjoying cooking and challenging myself more when it comes to thinking up things to make (pictured above are some pizza buns I made which I was SO excited about because pizza is the best food ever and they're PORTABLE!!!!!!!), so I'd like to continue with that.

The reason I'm here! I've had a few blogs in the past where I've either started them with absolutely no direction and they've fizzled out, or life has just gotten in the way and I've had no time. This is I think my biggest and most important resolution to me as I love writing and sharing my ideas and thoughts, and blogging used to be such a huuge part of my life that I've missed it sorely. So here we go - fingers crossed that this one sticks!

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