
Monday, 6 April 2015

finally autumn

Blouse, brooch & skirt - vintage, cardigan - Woolovers, belt - market, shoes - made in Bali

I'm so glad that the weather is starting to cool down here now. I can finally pull out all of my winter clothing and get some wear out of some new pieces I've acquired lately, like both this blouse and skirt which I bought off Etsy after deciding to overhaul my wardrobe.

I had done a great job at planning out a colour palette and loose theme to stick to whilst shopping for clothes, but unfortunately the overhaul has been put on hold for now as we begin yet another mad money saving period, so hopefully I can recommence in a few months.
I did manage to pick up a quite a few new (old) pieces with the money I made selling some clothes on eBay which are yet to arrive so I am happy to have them to look forward to at least!

Monday, 9 February 2015

Blush & blue

All vintage/thrifted except for made-by-me skirt

This was a last minute in the morning before work outfit. I had plans to wear another blouse with the skirt (an outfit I have worn a number of times before), however when my eyes fell upon this new-to-me cardigan I realised that blush pink and blue was a colour combination I hadn't previously realised went so well, so I had to wear it.

I kept the blouse neutral and went for brown accessories to match with the beading on the cardigan. Which is so beautiful, by the way.

The quality of these kinds of 50's cardigans always blows me away - the beading is gorgeous and the fabric so soft. This one is in almost perfect condition, save for a couple of sequins missing and what looks to be slight fading in some areas (which, thanks to the light colour of the cardigan, you hardly notice anyway.) The bodice is lined in a soft pink fabric and it has dainty pearl buttons.

My cardigan/light layers collection has been sorely lacking, so this beauty is a very welcome addition, especially on these not-so-summery days we've been having lately.

Do you own any vintage cardigans? What's your favourite thing about them?

Friday, 6 February 2015

Sewing UFO's - 7 tips to get them organised & finished.

[original image here]

If you sew, and unless you are a very particularly organised kind of person, you probably have a few "UFOs" (Un-Finished Objects) lingering around the house.
Today I'm going to share 7 tips I sorely need to take on board myself to help you get organised and ultimately finish your unfinished projects. Please make sure you share any tips of your own in the comments!

1. Sort them out.
Find all of the pieces, fabrics, notions etc and put them all into a large Ziploc bag with the pattern. I just buy mine from the supermarket. You can label them if you like but I usually don't as I like to reuse the bags once the project is done, and since they are clear you can usually tell what's what anyway!

Just a few of my many, many, MANY unfinished projects

2. Organise into categories.
Some of my UFO's are clothing that needs alterations to fit/repair, some are almost finished, some are just simply cut out. Organise them into categories - like those above - and store them in order. This way when you come to wanting to sew something you will know exactly what needs to be done to each one and roughly how long you will need to complete it. This is handy when you have a spare 20 minutes and want to finish something quick, or if you have all day to spend on something longer!

3. Store them all together, somewhere visible but neat.
I have all of my projects together in a tub, which just currently sits on the floor of my sewing room. You could get creative with this, or even super-organised and put them into separate tubs by type etc, or hang them all up but I don't have that much space. Do whatever works for you - just make sure they are out in the open, not thrown in the bottom of some cupboard.

My as-yet-not-organised box of UFO's. Nothing fancy, but it does the job!

4. Go and buy anything you don't have. 
I know a lot of the projects I've abandoned were because I realised part way through that I needed something I didn't have (I know, a terrible habit).. And then I just forgot to go get it. Look through all your projects and make a list of EVERYTHING you need to finish them, then go buy what you need. And only what you need - no fabric for new projects allowed!

5. Sew when you can vs create allotted time.
There are two ways to slog through your pile of UFO's - you can either sew whenever you have a moment, instead of (or whilst) watching TV etc, or you can plan out a specific time space for finishing something off. I like to do a mix of both, I'll set aside an afternoon on a weekend day to finish large projects but also finish little bits and pieces after work during the week.

6. Start with the simple. 
Got a bunch of skirts that just need a zipper installed? Or an almost finished dress that just needs a bit of hand sewing? Do the little projects first. Once you finish one you'll feel like you're on a roll and will be motivated to finish the next one, and the next..

7. If you get stuck, take a breather. 
But pick it up again the next day or move onto a different project for a while. There's nothing worse than getting stuck and frustrated with a project and then making a mistake. Put it down for the day, go do something non-sewing related and come back when you are refreshed and ready to tackle it with a clear and level head!

So, spill, how old is your oldest UFO? Mine is about 3-4 years I think, yikes! Do you have any other tips or tricks you use to get yourself organised to finish them?

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Work dress-ups

Blouse - c/o Dangerfield, skirt - made by me, earrings - Lovisa, shoes - Rubi

Here's the full outfit I was wearing in my last post, just something I wore to work the other day. I work in an office with a pretty relaxed dress code - the elusive "business casual" - but I still like to dress up a little. A lot of people in my office will just wear jeans or whatever closest-thing-to-pyjamas pants they can get away with, but I think dressing up for work is a huge mood-booster. I mean, of course I'd prefer to stay home in my pjs all day, but wearing them to my place of employment? Not so much.

One of the best things about dressing in a vintage or retro style is that the styles are (generally) super work appropriate. A 50's style skirt is never going to get you pulled into HR, swing trousers look perfect with cropped blazers or dress up a simpler t-shirt and also, skirt suits.

I know a lot of people worry about looking too "costumey" when wearing authentic vintage to work, but so many modern work-wear styles are based on vintage looks to keep them looking "conservative" that I think it is one environment where you can pretty much get away with it while just looking like you are a bit eccentric. Which is totally not a bad thing at all!

Do you wear vintage to work? Do you play it down or go full on authentic?

Monday, 2 February 2015


Hello and happy February!! I can't believe its the second month of 2015 already.. It feels like Christmas was only yesterday!

If you follow me on Instagram, you may have noticed that I've recently had a bit of a hair-overhaul.. I went for a short pixie cut a couple of Thursdays ago and I am SO pleased with the result!!

I'd been thinking about chopping all my hair off since before the wedding, but was too scared to do it. One day I thought "enough is enough!" and called up Wildilocks to book an appointment for that week.
My hairdresser was super excited that I was going for such a dramatic change, which definitely helped quell my nerves a little! I've never had my hair this short, but I've seen pictures of my Mum when she was younger with a pixie so I figured it couldn't look too bad. 

In fact, this might be one of my favourite hairstyles yet! It's SO easy to do in the mornings, I just wet it in the shower, comb into place and it dries in about 10 minutes and looks perfect.. and to think of all the time I used to spend day and night slaving over my hair!

It's also meant I've been busting out the big earrings a lot more lately, which is awesome because I have a fair collection but always felt they were kind of wasted with longer hair. Bright lipstick and cat-eyes are also daily requirements now to give more of a feminine look - I'm excited to play with different coloured lipsticks, maybe even some coloured eyeshadow (craaaazy!)

I haven't done much in the way of styling it so far, just left it as-is, but I will definitely be experimenting with more styles very soon. 

Has anyone else taken the plunge and chopped off all their hair? What were/are your favourite styles/things to do with it while it was short? Any tips or recommendations are very welcome!

Saturday, 3 January 2015

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Years Eve - how weird that it is January, 2015 already! I feel as though last year absolutely flew by!

This was me on New Years Eve. In true Taygan fashion I forgot to take proper photos, so have a selfie and a poor-quality last-minute-in-front-of-a-pub pic!

Earrings - given to me by a customer, dress & bag - thrifted, shoes -??

The Cheongsam (or Qipao) I'm wearing is just a modern one I found at the op shop near my house and then altered to give a bit more of a vintage shape. I've been doing a lot of reading about Shanghai in the 1930's which has been completely fascinating and was my inspiration for this outfit. I've fallen completely head over heels for the beautiful Chinese starlets of the day and now have a little list of old movies to track down.. hopefully with subtitles! If anyone has any suggestions I would love to hear them!

2015 is already shaping up to be a super exciting year - there are a few biggish things in the works that I can't share right now (even though I'm dying to) that I am SO excited about.

In terms of "resolutions".. well, I know I never keep them, but my main one is to be a more social person. I'm the kind of person who usually says "no" or "I can't..." when invited out somewhere, partly due to social anxiety and partly laziness, but I'm hoping to say "yes" a lot more this year when it comes to seeing friends and attending events outside of my own home.

I'm also hoping to get my wardrobe situation a bit more sorted. Too many days of "I have nothing to wear!!!!" is really getting me down and now that we have an income and some of the smaller debts have been paid off (yay!) I can actually start looking at investing in pieces to build up my wardrobe. I've already got a little list started that I'll gradually chip away at, consisting of vintage, reproduction and made-by-me pieces. Being a "fashion" blogger who owns basically nothing that she wants to wear makes things rather difficult.

My last one is to *try* and be a little better with my blog.. I say this every year and it doesn't usually happen, but maybe this will be the year!!

How are you guys with resolutions? Do you have any for this year?

Monday, 22 December 2014

I just need some [p]inspiration

Thank you all for your lovely words on my last post - I've decided to put myself on a bit of a sewing ban until the new year, I find whenever I can't sew is always when I want to the most so hopefully that helps!  

As for my wardrobe slump, well, sometimes you just need a bit of inspiration - like this lovely photo of a model from the 50's I've had on my Pinterest board for ages. I was looking through my boards hoping something would leap out at me, when I realised I had basically this outfit, but in reverse..

I tried to copy her pose but forgot what she was doing.. close enough! 

Thank goodness for Pinterest and copying vintage outfits! Not thank goodness for brightness and windiness...

Jacket, trousers and scarf - thrifted/vintage, blouse c/o Dangerfield, shoes - Wittner
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