
Saturday, 3 January 2015

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Years Eve - how weird that it is January, 2015 already! I feel as though last year absolutely flew by!

This was me on New Years Eve. In true Taygan fashion I forgot to take proper photos, so have a selfie and a poor-quality last-minute-in-front-of-a-pub pic!

Earrings - given to me by a customer, dress & bag - thrifted, shoes -??

The Cheongsam (or Qipao) I'm wearing is just a modern one I found at the op shop near my house and then altered to give a bit more of a vintage shape. I've been doing a lot of reading about Shanghai in the 1930's which has been completely fascinating and was my inspiration for this outfit. I've fallen completely head over heels for the beautiful Chinese starlets of the day and now have a little list of old movies to track down.. hopefully with subtitles! If anyone has any suggestions I would love to hear them!

2015 is already shaping up to be a super exciting year - there are a few biggish things in the works that I can't share right now (even though I'm dying to) that I am SO excited about.

In terms of "resolutions".. well, I know I never keep them, but my main one is to be a more social person. I'm the kind of person who usually says "no" or "I can't..." when invited out somewhere, partly due to social anxiety and partly laziness, but I'm hoping to say "yes" a lot more this year when it comes to seeing friends and attending events outside of my own home.

I'm also hoping to get my wardrobe situation a bit more sorted. Too many days of "I have nothing to wear!!!!" is really getting me down and now that we have an income and some of the smaller debts have been paid off (yay!) I can actually start looking at investing in pieces to build up my wardrobe. I've already got a little list started that I'll gradually chip away at, consisting of vintage, reproduction and made-by-me pieces. Being a "fashion" blogger who owns basically nothing that she wants to wear makes things rather difficult.

My last one is to *try* and be a little better with my blog.. I say this every year and it doesn't usually happen, but maybe this will be the year!!

How are you guys with resolutions? Do you have any for this year?

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