
Monday, 22 December 2014

I just need some [p]inspiration

Thank you all for your lovely words on my last post - I've decided to put myself on a bit of a sewing ban until the new year, I find whenever I can't sew is always when I want to the most so hopefully that helps!  

As for my wardrobe slump, well, sometimes you just need a bit of inspiration - like this lovely photo of a model from the 50's I've had on my Pinterest board for ages. I was looking through my boards hoping something would leap out at me, when I realised I had basically this outfit, but in reverse..

I tried to copy her pose but forgot what she was doing.. close enough! 

Thank goodness for Pinterest and copying vintage outfits! Not thank goodness for brightness and windiness...

Jacket, trousers and scarf - thrifted/vintage, blouse c/o Dangerfield, shoes - Wittner

Thursday, 18 December 2014

just dandy

I've been in a bit of a slump lately. I've started yet another new job (well, it's actually my old job again) and am as usual finding my wardrobe lacking in basic pieces to create outfits with. Obviously I've been wearing clothes to work, but not a great deal of inspiring or "blog worthy" outfits.

I've also been having a bit of a crap time with my sewing. One of those periods where nothing you make turns out right and you encounter all kinds of silly issues, so I'm taking a break from that so as not to stress myself out or waste any more fabric/money.

But on a lighter note, it's Christmas time! I have to admit to feeling a bit cheated living in the southern hemisphere and therefore having Christmas in summer - all of the photos I've been seeing of people up north looking cozy in ugly sweaters, ice skating, building snowmen, having roast meals and hot drinks are making me very jealous. Usually this time of the year is all dry heat and blue skies for miles, afternoon drinks in the sun and days at the beach but we're having a pretty dreary December in Melbourne this year (as I type it is 16 degrees, overcast and drizzling.) Hm. That lighter note turned out heavier than intended.. must be the weather.

Ok, here is an outfit I cobbled together that turned out well, coupled with a good hair day and some smiley faces - I'll leave you with that while I go and eat cookies and try and build up my positivity reserves again!

coat - given to me by a friend, blouse - made by me, pants - Vivien of Holloway, shoes - custom made in Bali

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